
This section helps to get the CloudConductor up and running on your local machine. There are two ways in which you can install CloudConductor on your local Linux running system.

If you want to run your workflows on Google Cloud Platform, please refer to the section Install Google Cloud platform SDK.

Install from source


  • Linux OS
  • Python v.2.7.*
  • Git

Following tools are required to run your workflows using CloudConductor:

  1. Python v2.7.*

    You can check your pre-installed Python version by running the following command in your terminal:

    $ python -V
    Python 2.7.10

    To install the correct version of Python, visit the official Python website.

  2. Python packages: configobj, jsonschema, requests

    You will need pip to install the above packages. After installing pip, run the following commands in your terminal:

    # Upgrade pip
    sudo pip install -U pip
    # Install Python modules
    sudo pip install -U configobj jsonschema requests
  3. Git

    Please follow the instructions on official Git website to download and install Git on your local system.

  4. Download the CloudConductor repository from the GitHub by executing following command line:

$ git clone

Install from Docker Hub

The only pre-requisite here is the Docker client. Please execute the following command line to see if your system already have Docker-client installed or not.

$ sudo docker --version

If the Dcoker is not installed on your system, you can get it from the website of Docker-client.

After the Docker set up, please pull the CloudConductor Docker image from the Docker Hub. To do so, please run the following command line:

$ sudo docker pull davelabhub/cloudconductor

You can run CloudConductor as Docker container as follows:

$ sudo docker run --rm --user root davelabhub/cloudconductor "CloudConductor --help"

Install Google Cloud Platform SDK

Follow the instructions on the official Google Cloud website.