Beginner’s Tutorial


Following are the requirments before you can use the CloudConductor. Please make sure your system is properly setup for CloudConductor.

  • Linux OS
  • Python v.2.7.*
  • CloudConductor
  • Google Cloud SDK

If you have any question about the installation of required tools, please refer to our Installation section which helps you to set up your system for CloudConductor.

Running CloudConductor

The CloudConductor reuires four types of configuration files as follows:

Prepare Workflow Config

The workflow configuration exemplifies your data processing steps, where output of one tools becomes input of consecutive tool. Following is workflow example which takes a raw FASTQ files from RNAseq experiment, perform QC, and align to the Human reference genome to produce the aligned reads as BAM file. You can refer to Workflow fundamentals for more details.

module = SampleSplitter

module          = FastQC
docker_image    = fastqc
input_from      = split_samples
final_output    = R1_fastqc, R2_fastqc

module          = Trimmomatic
docker_image    = trimmomatic
input_from      = split_samples
final_output    = trim_report
        MINLEN  = 25

module          = Star
docker_image    = star
input_from      = trimmomatic
final_output    = bam, transcriptome_mapped_bam, raw_read_counts, final_log
        ref     = star_genome_dir

module          = Samtools
docker_image    = samtools
submodule       = Index
input_from      = star_bam
final_output    = bam_idx

Prepare Resource Kit Config

The resource kit configuration defines the resources needed to run your workflow. The resouces can be path to the reference files, tool executables, docker images, etc. Following is a resource kit example containing all the required resource to produce aligned reads from raw FASTQ file for a RNAseq experiment. You can refer to Resouce Kit fundamentals for more details.

        image =
            resource_type   = fastqc
            path            = fastqc
        image =
            resource_type   = trimmomatic
            path            = trimmomatic
        image =
            resource_type   = star
            path            = STAR
        image =
            resource_type   = samtools
            path            = samtools
        resource_type   = adapters
        path            = gs://davelab_data/tools/Trimmomatic_0.36/adapters/adapters.fa
       resource_type   = ref
       path            = gs://davelab_data/ref/hg19/RNA/star
        resource_type   = ref
        path            = gs://davelab_data/ref/hg19/RNA/ensembl.hg19.release84.fa

Prepare Platform Config

The platform configuration defines the runtime platform for the CloudConductor to run your workflow. The Platform Config set several things for the runtime platform such as which zone, service account key, maximun retires for command execution, etc. Following is a example of Platform Config to run on the workflow on Google Cloud Platform. You can refer to Platform fundamentals for more details.

zone                        = us-east1-c
randomize_zone              = False
service_account_key_file    = var/GAP_new.json
report_topic                = pipeline_reports

disk_image                  = davelab-image-docker
max_reset                   = 3
is_preemptible              = True
cmd_retries                 = 1
apt_packages                = pigz

Prepare Sample Sheet

The sample sheet provide sample information to the CloudConductor. The sample information such as the type of the sample (i.e. tumor, normal), sequencing platform on which the sample were sequenced, path to the sample raw data, etc. Following is sample sheet example. You can refer to Sample Sheet fundamentals for more details.

  "paired_end": true,
  "seq_platform": "Illumina",
  "samples": [
      "name": "s1",
      "paths": {
        "R1": "gs://your_desired_loc/s1_1_I13_0124.fastq.gz",
        "R2": "gs://your_desired_loc/s1_2_I13_0124.fastq.gz"
      "is_tumor": false,
      "lib_name": "LIB_NAME"
      "name": "s2",
      "paths": {
        "R1": "gs://your_desired_loc/s2_1_I13_0124.fastq.gz",
        "R2": "gs://your_desired_loc/s2_2_I13_0124.fastq.gz"
      "is_tumor": false,
      "lib_name": "LIB_NAME"

Once, you have preapared all the required files you can run the CloudConductor as follows:

$ ./CloudConductor --name cc_run_1 \
                   --input sample_sheet.json \
                   --pipeline_config workflow.config \
                   --res_kit_config res_kit.config \
                   --plat_config gcp_platform.config \
                   --plat_name Google \
                   --output_dir gs://your_desired_loc/cc_run_1/ \